Education Awards - Upcoming opportunities
In the world of design there are a vast number of awards programs to wade through. Some are more general, and some extremely niche, and it’s always a challenge to work out which one will offer the best recognition for your project and your practice. Luckily for those architects working in the education sector, there is a fantastic selection of industry-specific opportunities to showcase your work, and these programs are open right now!
Victorian School Design Awards
Following a five-year hiatus, the Victorian Government relaunched the Victorian School Design Awards in 2016 and has since been running the program annually, awarding publicly funded education projects across 5+ different categories. The awards criteria require the applicant to discuss how their design has met the client’s brief, addressed key challenges, considered the environment and achieved a cost-effective outcome. Applicants must submit at least ten images alongside their written response, including drawings and photographs.
The deadline for submission is Friday, 4 August 2023.
Victorian School Design Awards
Learning Environments Australasia Chapter Awards
Learning Environments Australasia (LEA) launched its first Regional Awards in Melbourne in 2008. It has since expanded to provide four regional programs nationwide: ACT & NSW, South Australia, Victoria & Tasmania, and Western Australia. As an association that brings educators, designers and planners together to promote the quality design of learning environments, the awards focus on celebrating and recognising innovation in learning space design across eight categories. The criteria allow applicants to showcase their design process and outcome, demonstrate the educational value of space, discuss the design's unique functionality and flexibility, highlight innovative design solutions, and give voice to the school community via the Education Facility Narrative. Applicants also have the opportunity to supplement their written responses with images and diagrams that align with each criterion, on top of the requirement to provide relevant plans, elevations, sections, diagrams and photographs.
The deadline for submission is Friday, 1 September 2023
Learning Environments
How can we help?
The New Doors team has written education award submissions for over ten years. We understand the educational and architectural terminology and how to capture the design narrative in a way that speaks to the school community, learning vision and design process, not just built form. And we have worked with several clients to prepare submissions that helped them to secure a win!
We love these awards programs, as they allow us to delve deep into our client’s processes and approaches and showcase the essence of their projects. These awards allow us to celebrate the architectural excellence that positively impacts the learning outcomes for those members of our community that represent our future.
What now?
If you are keen to submit a project to the awards, it’s certainly not too late to get in touch. It could be that your internal resources are a bit stretched, or you’re not confident of your in-house writing capability. Our team would love to discuss how we can help your project to achieve the recognition it deserves.